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Dr. Diane´s 

Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies Project


I’ve met many mothers and babies in my work. I delivered several at Johns Hopkins, and then evaluated them as part of my neonatal rotation. I was a frequent consultant to the obstetrics floor at Cambridge Hospital, and my women’s center included a post-partum program to enable critically depressed mothers to be with their babies while hospitalized. I’ve also assisted women through pregnancies on and off their medications, and met their babies in later sessions.


Most women will care about their unborn child, even when they don’t seem to care about themselves.

Unfortunately, many doctors and mothers have not been educated about nutrition, or the toxicities in everyday products that might be playing a role in the rising incidence of autism. For example, arsenic is in chicken feed, and high amounts of glyphosphate are in children’s cereals.

Three generations of an increasingly unnatural lifestyle, and diet, has led to more and more babies being born sick and nutritionally deficient.

Many have toxic chemicals and metals at birth, because the human placenta does not filter them out. In fact, it concentrates them in the baby. Breast milk concentrates them as well. Sadly, this form of “detoxing” can be why some women feel better when pregnant and breastfeeding.

The Project

Why not screen young woman considering pregnancy for deficiencies and toxicities, and then treat them? Testing is as simple as analysis of hair and urine samples that can be collected at home. Treatment of toxicities consists of an evidence-based protocol using infrared saunas, which can be found in some gyms and come in portable models. Deficiencies can be taken care of by dietary changes and individualized supplement protocols. These simple measures could increase the number of healthy babies, while reducing their mothers’ chances of developing auto-immune conditions or cancers.

A second component of the project addresses a major concern today among new mothers

the rapid increase in vaccine injuries frequently labeled as autism.

Doctors such as Paul Thomas, M.D. have reported a substantially minimized risk by following a modified protocol that still vaccinates, but considers the timing and health of the child.

We aim to see similar practices adopted in Oregon on a statewide basis. If successful, it could become a model for the country.