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Dr. Diane´s 

Telepathy Project


Telepathy has been deemed impossible by most scientists, except for modern physicists

who have observed far stranger phenomena at the quantum level of reality.

Psychologists and magicians know how easy it is to fool us, which is why they routinely attack the idea. This is ironic when neuroscientists are the only ones who have the credentials to really say if our model for how the brain functions would allow for direct mind-to-mind communication. One reason has been the emphasis placed upon neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers, which obviously can’t have an effect outside our skull.

Because of our brain’s electromagnetic properties, I believe telepathy is possible.

Telepathy has been reported by people from almost every culture, and across the millennia. Hundreds of studies on telepathy have shown positive results. These statistical studies aren’t taken seriously because their effect size is too small to prove something labeled “impossible.” Science has remained stuck with this circular reasoning for over a century.

Whether telepathy exists is one of the most important questions for us to answer.

If anyone could prove telepathy, I predicted it would be non-vocal autistic children with savant skills.

Being incapable of speech from an early age increases their motivation to find an alternative means of communication with their caregivers, but that isn’t all. Autism expert Bernard Rimland, PhD reported “ESP” as existing in a small percentage of his patients, and considered it to be a savant skill.

The Telepathy Project
The Telepathy Project

When examined closely, telepathy isn’t any more difficult to fathom than savant syndrome itself. Savants can know information without any history of exposure to it, or possessing the underlying skills needed to derive it.


For example, autistic twins studied by Oliver Sacks could provide prime numbers in up to 20 digits, without knowing basic math. Other children have spontaneously drawn the periodic table.



I have been able to test three children in the United States under controlled conditions, with randomized words, letters, numbers, and pictures. Their answers have been astoundingly accurate. Due to time constraints, the testing protocol was not optimal, which makes it insufficient to declare definitively that they exhibit telepathy.


I traveled to India in 2013 to evaluate several autistic savants. Their parents spontaneously reported that, in addition to other savant skills, they were “precognitive” and “telepathic.” Since then, I have been contacted by dozens of parents and clinicians from around the world, all convinced an autistic child they know can literally read minds.

Brief summaries of my work 

can be found in my articles

In EdgeScience and Mindfield. I also presented my findings at the annual Parapsychological Association conference in 2013, the “Towards a Science of Consciousness Conference” in 2015, and at IONS in 2016.

The next phase

Proof that the phenomenon I’m witnessing is telepathy would require the elimination of any possibilities of subtle cueing. This means being able to test the child and parent/clinician in separate rooms, or with a larger divider separating them.

Given the extreme sensitivity autistic children have to change and new people, this could not be done on my initial visit. However, using behavioral strategies, we can work towards the ideal protocol before filming the next set of experiments.

We also plan to use qEEG analysis of the “telepathic pairs” during experiments even if the subjects cannot be in separate rooms.

The qEEG measures the increase and decrease in activity of specific brain areas during rest and tasks. Because scientists have mapped many brain functions to discrete areas, the qEEG could be helpful in determining whether there is an unconscious code, or cueing, versus direct psychic perception of information. We will also compare the reports by subjects about their inner experiences with objective measurements of brain function to see if they are consistent.

If you wish

to be a volunteer, sponsor this research by a donation, or believe someone you know is a good candidate for testing, Please contact Dr Diane.